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August 8th, 2009 -  Motorcycle Safety Course

When I decided to take the motorcycle rider course, I was very much in denial on how it could further improve my riding skills. 15 hours later, riding a Kawasaki Super Sherpa around loops under unbelievably knowledgeable instructors Ken Conrad and Udell Sharp changed all that.

The first day started rather boring with a couple hours of classroom lecture and 2 hours of walking the motorcycle around without even firing it up. Around 1 pm we were off to lunch and upon return the real deal started. From that point on, it was probably the most fun I had practicing useful techniques and was instructed after each run on how to make it better.

The second day was the most intense and we rode for 7 hours until we completed our riding test and written exam. Those of us who passed the course were awarded with a certification of completion. I strongly recommend taking this course no matter how experienced you are. There is much to be gained and I am a living example of it.

I would like to thank the Montana Motorcycle Rider Safety Foundation for sponsoring this expedition and giving me an opportunity to take advantage of this masterful step by step instruction. I would also like to thank Ken Conrad for offering me a spot in his class and for his wonderful advice and suggestions. He is a top-notch rider and a caring teacher. Thank you, Ken.

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July 28th, 2009 -  Vaccination and Immunization

Entry into many countries requires certain immunization and preventive measures against diseases such as Hep A, Hep B, Malaria, and Yellow Fever. International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis is a mandatory piece of documentation to have in hand for border crossing in many countries. It must be complete and accurate in detail, or the traveler may be detained at many international ports of entry.

I have never imagined that I would volunteer  myself to be stabbed with needles full of viruses, but it had to be done. Couple of days of soreness and agony later, I am now vaccinated against: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Polio, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, HEP A and HEP B.

My medical kit contains:

 Antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin
 Diarrhea medication: Acetazolamid, Diphen/Atrop
 Motion sickness: Promethazine
 Pain medication: Hydrocodone
 Malaria medication: Mefloquine
 Acute mountain sickness: Dexamethasone (Injection)
 Allergy Medication: Benadryl

The kit also includes insect bite medication, burn ointment, fever reducers, gauze, suture, tape, Band-Aids, disinfectant solution, Quickclot, blister kit,…

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June 10th, 2009 -  And it all started when…

It is not far from reality to claim that it all started in our back yard, under the shade of our orange tree, when the temperature soared to 110ºF. Digging a hole with a stick and exploring the depths of the garden laid the groundwork for what became the first sparks of my passion to see and learn about the world. Many years passed till I had even the slightest understanding of the struggles that go on every day on every corner of this green and blue ball we call our planet.

History is filled with epic feats and compulsive conquests, narratives of national heroes climbing hand over hand to the top of great mountains, and civilizations being destroyed by greedy conquistadors over what they hungered for: gold. Although I have climbed big mountains, traveled much and seen more, after all those years, I still have not found greater contentment than knowing the people themselves. The sheer joy of sitting down with a sunburned farmer in Mexico or sharing a bottle of wine with a French cutie in Paris is what I value most.

Was Alexander the “Not So” Great wrong to burn the Persian Empire, or Francisco Pizarro for destroying the magnificent Inca civilization? Were all the lives of indigenous Americans who died on their own land lost in vain? Perhaps.

I am in no position to pass judgment on history, nor is my goal to “save the planet”, as we have not yet learned how to take care of ourselves. Lastly, I am not pointing a finger at any group or person per se, I am merely trying to understand it, taste it, and live it.

O. Christopher Sorbi

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