We woke up to a strong orange light shining through the tent’s rain-fly and we were baking already. The anticipated cold weather was definitely not the case, and our mound of winter gear was just dead weight. We packed up and left the ranch heading west again. I kept a steady speed of 55mph to calculate our gas mileage, and I was pleased with how little the consumption was; we were getting 43mpg out of an 1100 pound motorcycle with aerodynamic of a brick. One full tank of gas carried us an average of 250 miles, …read the rest and see the pictures.
August 25th, 2011 - Dragones, The weirdest place on earth
August 23rd, 2011 - Entering the Argentine Chaco
I’ve ridden a lot of miles and visited a long list of places, and it makes it hard to answer the age old questions of, “What’s your favorite country? – Where was the most beautiful place? – What country has the prettiest girls?” They are almost impossible to answer as every place has its own unique ways of life. Town to town and time zone to time zone, everything changes. The language, the food, the people, and of course the weather, but I can competently say that my recent trip was one of the most enjoyable trips I’ve ever taken. …read the rest and see the pictures.
August 20th, 2011 - Non-profits who kill for more profit
Running a non-profit organization and going on a blind-date is not all that different – in both you never know where you are going to end up; home with a bottle of cheap whisky alone, or in bed with a big titted blond. The non-profit sector has become every bit as greedy as the for-profit sector, and in some cases, it has surpassed the latter. In today’s market, the administrative cost and executive compensations have become a direct derivative of the organization’s net income. The more the …read the rest and see the pictures.
June 7th, 2011 - US Fought To Lower Min. Wage In Haiti
U.S. Fought To Lower Minimum Wage In Haiti So Hanes And Levis Would Stay Cheap
By Robert Johnson at Business Insider.
A Wikileaks post published on “The Nation” shows that the Obama Administration fought to keep Haitian wages at 31 cents an hour. This article was taken down by The Nation due to an embargo, but it was excerpted at Columbia Journalism Review.
It started when Haiti passed a law two years ago raising its minimum wage to 61 cents an hour. According to an embassy cable: “This infuriated American corporations …read the rest and see the pictures.
June 3rd, 2011 - Overpopulation and its effects
I know with what I’m about to write I will piss-off many religious people, some amongst my family, my close friends and colleagues, but to not write it, would be repressing myself, and I’ve had enough of that. When you censor yourself every day, you become another person and I despise that with vengeance.
Poverty in simple language is: Deprivation of essential chattels that others take for granted. The more I traveled, the more I became aware of these “others”. These “others” were the …read the rest and see the pictures.
May 14th, 2011 - The longest shopping trip in the world
When I was just a handful of years old, my uncle had an old Canon SLR camera which he babied throughout his life. He wasn’t a professional photographer, nor did he have a clue when it came to capturing stills. Nine out of ten photos were out of focus and badly framed, but no one knew any better. His camera was pretty much the only camera in the family, so my entire childhood turned out blurry and out of frame. Oh and if we ever touched that old dinosaur. Our only chance to examine the fine equipment was when he went to work. …read the rest and see the pictures.
March 25th, 2011 - Hungry for a change
When they tie-up my hands, I use my words. My philosophy is fairness in a complete essence. And I try to live my life by it. So when I feel that it’s fair to point fingers at the problem, I don’t shy away, and I have no mercy. Most people advice me not to piss off powerful and connected people, but I don’t take pleasure in pissing off the weak. That being said, I have no illusion of reputation or legacy for myself. You could have a picture of me wearing nipple-piercing making sweet love to Captain Kangaroo on the balcony of the congress, and I could give less than a vertical shit. After all, ‘ those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.’ …read the rest and see the pictures.